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  • Foto del escritorMiquel Lladó

Nº6 Good Housekeeping partners with Amazon to launch a Pop-up shop in Minnesota, USA

Amazon is breaking paradigms again.

“Within GH Lab, shopping is completely divorced from buying” “No inventory in the store needed” Chris Walton.

Watch Chris Walton’s, Forbes, 1:48 minute video about his experience in the “Amazon and GH (Good Housekeeping)” Lab:

The store has opened in Mall of America in Bloomington, Minnesota, USA.

It will be opened from October 3 to December 3, 2018.

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Nº8 Sesión de Amazon Go en Palma de Mallorca

Dada la sesión sobre Amazon Go en Palma de Mallorca, como Open Day de programas del IESE. En la sala 65 ejecutivos-profesionales preparados para abrir la mente para ver como la propuesta de Amazon Go

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