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Nº4 When Amazon brings its best shopping experience, many are ready for it!

Foto del escritor: Miquel LladóMiquel Lladó

Just delivered an Amazon Go session at IESE Business School Madrid to 87 executives.

Good reflections about what Amazon is doing. The market trend was moving toward online stores and now Amazon is going offline.

During the sessions we asked five questions:

  1. Question: How many of you come from the supermarket sector? Answer: 7.

  2. Question: How many of you have bought in Amazon during last month?. Answer: 79%

  3. Question: How many of you are Amazon Prime members?. Answer: 65%

  4. Question: How many of you go shopping to supermarkets because you like it?. Answer: 35%

  5. Question: How many of you think that Amazon will get into your sector?. Answer: 58%

Make your own conclusions, here you have mine:

  1. Given the supermarket enormous concentration, having 7 representatives is quite a good number.

  2. 79% Amazon shoppers in the last month, shows how much Amazon is part of our lives already

  3. 65% Amazon Prime members. It shows the high level of loyalty Amazon is getting

  4. Just 35% like to shop in supermarkets. It means to me that 65% is ready for an alternative that relieve them from the pains that supermarkets cause to consumers. Wake up call for supermarkets. When Amazon is to offer a better retail offline experience, many are ready for it.

  5. 42% think that Amazon will not get into their sector.  The right question could be: When do you think Amazon will get into your sector?. In my opinion is better to expect Amazon to get into your sector and get prepared for it, instead of expecting Amazon not to get in, which may cause you to become careless about Amazon and stop being attentive which may bring Amazon to get in sooner than later. Better to expect the best and get ready for the worst.

What are your thoughts? Glad to share.

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